Nova Scotia, 2011: UAPSRS Case No. 9

Nova Scotia, 2011: UAPSRS Case No. 9

State or ProvinceNova Scotia
CityEast Chezzetcook
Time1:05 AM
WeatherFair, night
Duration15-25 min
Solid ObjectYes
Size50 ft across tip to tip
Shape Details140 degree triangle, no visible markings, and seemed 2D
How Many Lights3
How BrightBrighter than any the witness had ever seen
Light ColorationRed at front and white on presumed wings
SoundSound of “air being cut by something large”
Motion/Speed40-50 km/hr
Number of Objects1
DescriptionOn February 5, 2011 at approximately 1:05 AM, narrator observed a bright red object approaching his home from the direction of Halifax International Airport (HIA). The light was not following what appeared to be normal flight takeoff/landing patterns, and was flying at very low altitude slightly above treetop level and moving slowly. Narrator went and woke up his mother, who lived at his residence at the time, and they both observed what was revealed to be a large triangular object passing slowly near their home. The object appeared almost 2D, with a red light blinking intermittently on the front, and two white lights at the rear corners. Narrator ran outside his home to observe the object as it passed almost directly over him, noting its very dark black appearance. Object turned off its white lights as it moved away and left the vicinity. Within minutes, another series of lights appeared, which were soon identified as fighter jets, possibly F-18s. The following day, the sighting was reported to the RCMP, who contacted HIA. HIA advised RCMP that the witnesses had seen two fighter jets that had been sent to the area due to an emergency. Witnesses did not believe the initial large, slow-moving triangular craft had been a fighter jet, or any other recognizable aircraft, military or otherwise.
Nearby LandmarksMusquodoboit harbor
Altitude40 feet
Advanced CapabilitiesMoved extremely slowly
Visible PayloadNone
Health EffectsNone
Physical/Environmental EffectsNone
Animal DisturbanceNone
Witness FeelingsExcitement
Witness AssessmentWitness found it curious that a pair of fighter jets had been called to the Halifax area due to an “emergency”, and was certain the craft he and his mother observed was not the same as the fighter jets he observed sometime after the initial sighting.
Additional InfoThis is the second of four sightings the witness reported


2010s-Canada-Country-Nova Scotia-Shape-Triangle

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Nova Scotia, 2011: UAPSRS Case No. 9