Ontario, 2022: UAPSRS Case No. 17

Ontario, 2022: UAPSRS Case No. 17

State or ProvinceOntario
Time20:50 EST
DurationApproximately 15 minutes
Solid ObjectYes
SizeEstimated 40-45 feet in diameter
ShapeOval with rounded or pointed tips
Shape DetailsOval and acorn-like
ColorSolid black matte, non-reflective
LightsNone visible
How Many LightsN/A
How BrightN/A
Light ColorationN/A
SoundCompletely silent
Motion/SpeedTraveled at a speed similar to planes in the area
Number of Objects1
Coordination/CommunicationNot mentioned
WindowsNone seen
OccupantsNot mentioned
DescriptionIn June 2022, in a small town just north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, a couple with a background in the healthcare industry witnessed an unusual UAP. The object was described as solid, black, matte, non-reflective, and oval-shaped with pointed or rounded tips. It passed silently over their house, traveling south toward Markham, Ontario. The witnesses noted that the object was completely silent, had no visible lights, and displayed a smooth, stealth-like appearance. They estimated its size at around 40-45 feet in diameter and its altitude at 15-20 thousand feet. The object appeared to be under intelligent control and maintained a steady trajectory. The witnesses captured the sighting on video, which, although shaky and grainy, showed a clear oval object in the sky, more defined to the naked eye than in the footage.
Nearby LandmarksPickering Nuclear Generating Station, CFB Trenton
AltitudeEstimated 15-20 thousand feet
PropulsionNone observed
Advanced CapabilitiesNot mentioned
Visible PayloadNot mentioned
RadarNot mentioned
SignaturesNot mentioned
AwarenessNot mentioned
AggressionNot mentioned
Health EffectsNot mentioned
Physical/Environmental EffectsNot mentioned
Animal DisturbanceNot mentioned
Witness FeelingsShocked and bewildered
Witness AssessmentThe object appeared to be under intelligent control, and the witness disagreed with the idea that clear footage of such objects should exist.
Additional InfoNone provided



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Ontario, 2022: UAPSRS Case No. 17