Oregon, 2019: UAPSRS Case No. 160

Oregon, 2019: UAPSRS Case No. 160

CountryUnited States
State or ProvinceOregon
TimeBetween 11:00 PM and 12:30 AM
WeatherTotally clear sky
Duration5 minutes
Witnesses (Number)3
Distance10,000 feet
Solid ObjectYes
SizeSmaller than the moon, approximately 1/16th of the moon’s size
Shape DetailsThree spherical objects in a line
ColorSlightly yellow/orange hued white light
How Many LightsNot Applicable
How BrightNot Specified
Light ColorationNot Specified
Motion/SpeedSlow at first, then fast and jerky, then extremely fast
Number of ObjectsThree
DescriptionThree spherical UAPs were observed by three witnesses in the clear night sky near Three Sisters, Oregon. Initially moving at a steady pace, the objects demonstrated unusual behavior, including rapid stopping, vibrating, and oscillating erratically before accelerating out of sight at incredible speeds. The sighting involved no sound and no visible propulsion systems, and it occurred during a camping trip, leaving the witnesses fascinated and slightly scared. According to the witness report submitted to the UAPSRS: “My two friends and I were out in the backcountry in Oregon near Three Sisters doing the Three Sister’s loop. The day may be off by a couple of days, I could look up the exact date if we really had to. On the second day into the trip, I was out showing my friends the night sky. (They had never been camping). For a while, we looked at satellites, shooting starts, constellations and more together. It was one of the clearest night skies I have ever seen. When my friend said “hey what is that?” and pointed high in the sky to our left. At first, a single bright light, brighter than any star in the sky, moved into view from our left at a steady but not astounding pace. We quickly realized there were two more lights following this one. They were moving together; at a steady pace they seemed much closer than a typical satellite and lacked the blinking lights of a plane. We watched them travel straight for about a minute, they were clearly moving together. Each one went from fast to stopping, very quickly. Then, one by one, after stopping right in the center of the sky, they began to vibrate or oscillate. The vibration was more of an erratic movement, each object was moving more than 5-10x the length of the object between peaks of the vibration. And the oscillations were happening around each of their respective positions. The UAP/lights were skipping back and forth in sort of a cross pattern. And after we watched this for another minute or so, they took off one by one at an incredible speed. The vibrating, oscillating movement of the first one slowed and then it took off at an incredible speed to the right… Very quickly it was out of sight. Then, in quick succession, the two that were following the first one did the exact same thing. I was not into UFO/UAP at the time but we just new those things were not manmade.”
Nearby LandmarksThree Sisters Oregon, Soap Creek area, South Sister
Altitude10,000 feet
Advanced CapabilitiesYes
Visible PayloadNo
Health EffectsNo
Physical/Environmental EffectsNone
Animal DisturbanceNone
Witness FeelingsA little scared but also fascinated
Witness AssessmentSeemed friendly
Additional InfoFirst official reporting by the witness



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Oregon, 2019: UAPSRS Case No. 160