South Carolina, 1985: UAPSRS Case No. 60

South Carolina, 1985: UAPSRS Case No. 60

CountryUnited States
State or ProvinceSouth Carolina
CityMyrtle Beach
DateMid-June, 1985 (Not Specified)
Time9-10 PM
WeatherClear Night
DurationApproximately 15 minutes or more
Witnesses (Number)Several hundred (Minimum estimate)
Distance7-8 miles (Estimated)
Solid ObjectYes
SizeEstimated at 900 feet across for the first two orbs
Shape DetailsOrbs
Metallic/ShinyNot Specified
Glow/HaloYes, a warm glow
How Many LightsSix smaller lights in addition to the main orbs
How BrightNot overly bright, but warm
Light ColorationOrange-yellow
SoundNot Specified
Motion/SpeedSlow, bobbing up and down
Number of ObjectsInitially one, split into two, and six additional smaller lights
Coordination/CommunicationAppeared in sequence
WindowsNot Specified
OccupantsNot Specified
DescriptionIn mid-June 1985 at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, the witness, an ex-Air Force Electronic Warfare Technician, along with their ex-wife and friends, observed a huge glowing orange-yellow orb rise above the ocean horizon around 9-10 PM. This orb eventually split into two and was accompanied by six smaller lights appearing in sequence at a higher altitude. The sighting, which lasted for around 15 minutes, was witnessed by several hundred people. The witness notes that this mass sighting event has never been reported publicly.
Nearby LandmarksMyrtle Beach, 68th Avenue North
AltitudeNot Specified
PropulsionNot Specified
Advanced CapabilitiesNot Specified
Visible PayloadNot Specified
RadarNot Specified
SignaturesNot Specified
AwarenessNot Specified
AggressionNot Specified
Health EffectsNot Specified
Physical/Environmental EffectsNot Specified
Animal DisturbanceNot Specified
Witness FeelingsPerplexed, frequently recalled
Witness AssessmentMass sighting, unreported
Additional InfoThe witness had served in the Air Force from 1982-1986 and had a strong interest in aircraft. They have experienced several sightings, but this one was particularly notable.


1980s-Country-Decade-Shape-Sightings-South Carolina-Sphere-USA

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South Carolina, 1985: UAPSRS Case No. 60