United Kingdom, 2020: UAPSRS Case No. 171

Illinois, 2020: UAPSRS Case No. 171

CountryUnited Kingdom
State or ProvinceGloucestershire
Time1:30 PM
WeatherClear, cloudless sky – no wind/completely still
Duration3 minutes
Witnesses (Number)1
Distance400 feet
Solid ObjectYes
Size1/5 size of a full moon
Shape DetailsNot Specified
ColorOpaque/matt white
How Many LightsNot Specified
How BrightNot Specified
Light ColorationNot Specified
Motion/Speed20 mph/traveled 1.6 km in 3 minutes
Number of ObjectsOne
Coordination/CommunicationNot Specified
DescriptionOn the day in question, the witness, a professional drone operator and wildlife cameraman, was working as a volunteer on an archaeological dig of a Roman Villa in Gloucestershire. Around lunchtime, the witness noticed a white object moving in a straight line above the A46, initially mistaking it for a balloon or plastic bag. Upon closer observation, it was seen to be a perfect white sphere, moving erratically for a few seconds before resuming its course and disappearing over a hedge. The object displayed advanced capabilities by coming to a dead stop directly above the dig trenches.
Nearby LandmarksDyrham Park Estate
Latitude51.27.55.60 N
Longitude2.23.22.09 W
Altitude400 to 500 feet
Advanced CapabilitiesYes
Visible PayloadNo
Health EffectsNo
Physical/Environmental EffectsNone
Animal DisturbanceNo birds visible in the entire sky, which was odd
Witness FeelingsStunned/baffled
Witness AssessmentAs a professional drone operator and wildlife cameraman of 30 years, the witness had never seen anything like this in his entire career.
Additional InfoThe witness spotted the white object at a range of about 1 km above the A46 moving towards his position in a dead straight line. Having flown drones at the site to document the archaeology, the witness was familiar with the air traffic corridor for nearby Bristol airport. Initially thought to be a balloon or plastic bag, it was soon identified as a perfect white sphere, which suddenly came to a dead stop directly above the open dig trenches, moved erratically for a few seconds, and then resumed its course, disappearing over a hedge within 20 seconds.



One response

  1. That’s a really interesting account, daytime sightings always fascinate me because like this sighting it’s often easier to see the actual object as opposed to just lights in the sky, solid sphere sightings intrigue me very much, thanks for sharing this amazing account.

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United Kingdom, 2020: UAPSRS Case No. 171