Pennsylvania, 1980s: UAPSRS Case No. 19

Pennsylvania, 1980s: UAPSRS Case No. 19

CountryUnited States
State or ProvincePennsylvania
CityLafayette Hill
DateMid-1980s (exact date not provided)
TimeNighttime (exact time not provided)
DurationSeveral minutes
Solid ObjectNo
SizeCantaloupe size
Shape DetailsBright red ball of light
Metallic/ShinyNot specified
ColorBright red
How Many LightsOne
How BrightVery bright, hurt the eyes
Light ColorationRed
SoundNot mentioned
Motion/SpeedHovered, floated, and moved
Number of Objects1
Coordination/CommunicationNot mentioned
WindowsNot mentioned
OccupantsNot mentioned
DescriptionWitness had a vivid childhood UFO sighting of a cantaloupe-sized, bright red ball of light hovering near his home in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania, during the mid-1980s. The light appeared to notice the witness, causing a panic attack. The witness sought validation and information from UFO investigator Stan Gordon.
Nearby LandmarksField, Radio station tower site, Residential neighborhood
AltitudeNot mentioned
PropulsionNot mentioned
Advanced CapabilitiesNot mentioned
Visible PayloadNot mentioned
RadarNot mentioned
SignaturesNot mentioned
AwarenessWitness felt it might have noticed him
AggressionNot mentioned
Health EffectsPanic attack
Physical/Environmental EffectsNone mentioned
Animal DisturbanceNot mentioned
Witness FeelingsAnxious and traumatized, caused a panic attack and lingering distress
Witness AssessmentUncertain if it was a dream or real, sought validation and information about similar sightings in the area
Additional InfoNot available



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Pennsylvania, 1980s: UAPSRS Case No. 19